Caller Announcer

      Caller Announcer is the best app that will announce the name of the person on every Incoming and outgoing call. Caller Announcer is mostly useful in a situation like driving or if you are searching for a phone in your home.

Important information.

 1. This app will request and Read Contacts(READ_CONTACTS) for the purpose of Announcing Caller's name.

 2 This app will read Phone Status(android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE) for incoming and outgoing calls announcing.

 3 This app will read SMS Status(android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS) for incoming SMS announcing.

 4 This app will read system status(android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW) for dislpaying CallerID on screen.

 5 This app will read system status(android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG)for fetching unknown number or with caller's name on screen.

 6. This app is using Google Services like Google Admob SDK for advertisement purpose.